MAIN BLOG - Easter dishes - Apr 20

10 Traditional Easter dishes from around the world

Food always plays an integral part of any celebrations, and also does during the Easter festivities. Every culture celebrates Easter enjoying their own traditional dishes or confectionary. Let’s take a look at the following 10 traditional Easter dishes and delicacies from around the world. South Africa Pickled Fish is a traditional Easter meal mostly found […]

MAIN BLOG - chocolate manufacturing - Feb 20

The making of CHOCOLATE

Chocolate manufacture has been an important industry in Europe since the late 18th century. The great names in chocolate like Droste, van Houten (Holland); Lindt and Suchard (Switzerland); Menier (France); Fry, Cadbury and Rowntree (England) can trace their history back to the mid 19th century and even earlier. Chocolate manufacture is a complex process with […]